The Wythenshawe (Brooklands) and Northenden Neighbourhood

Posted by: ethan - Posted on:

Mutual Aid Groups

Local people are coming together to offer support in their local area during the outbreak.

Most of these groups are organising on Facebook/Whatsapp.

We will be posting the most up to date map on the coronavirus advice page.

Please note, we are aware of the work of Mutual Aid UK and their map of groups, but it isn’t fully up to date and is missing a number of the Manchester groups.


Macc is organising all those wanting to help during the outbreak.

The Volunteer Centre is making a call for volunteers and is also directing volunteers to where they are most needed.

For individuals wanting to volunteer, please visit

For voluntary sector organisations that require assistance, please visit

The Trussell Trust

If you are not self-isolating, but you are struggling financially, there are several food banks in the local area that can help you.

For more information, please visit